MinMars/Surface Infrastructure
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Repository of Working Models
Surface Infrastructure (Survival Infrastructure, Surface Operations, Operational Infrastructure)
Survival Infrastructure
- Habitation
- Thermal, Structural, Crew Facilities, Radiation, Avionics
- Logistics
- Resupply options, ISRU capability
- Power Supply
- Power requirements, system robustness
Surface Operations
- What does the crew do when they are on Mars (other than survive)?
- Maintenance and repair (survival)
- Infrastructure improvements
- Public Relations
- Exploration
- Science
- How many crew members are optimal?
- What tools & infrastructure are required?
Operational Infrastructure
- Maintenance and Repair
- Spares, Repair Tools, etc.
- What is the sparing strategy?
- Infrastructure Improvement
- Technology Demonstrations (ISRU)
- How can someone on Mars improve their own life?
- Exploration Tools and Equipment
- Robotic Assistants
- What is the goal of exploration?
- Science Tools and Equipment
- Instruments and Payloads
- Communications
- Surface communications (Exploration & Science), Earth-Mars communications (“Public Relations”), etc.
- EVA Infrastructure
- Suits, Consumables, etc.
- What is the EVA frequency & schedule?
- Mobility Options
- Habitat Mobility, Unpressurized Rovers, Pressurized Rovers, etc.
- How much mobility is required?
Future Work
- Further analysis of each segment of “operational infrastructure” to determine trade space
- What exactly is needed?
- What are the possible solutions?
- Perform lit review to determine near-term capabilities for surface operations
Surface Infrastructure Update
- Ongoing process to size all surface infrastructure elements based on previous literature
- Key questions being analyzed
- What infrastructure is needed?
- Can this be done in 5 – 10 mt landed payload?
- Focused on two types of elements
- Cargo
- Either pre-deployed or re-supply
- Pre-deployed must survive 2+ years on the surface
- How much autonomous construction is required?
- Crewed
- 30-day surface survival capability
- EVA Suits and Mobility included
- No consideration for in-space transit
- Cargo
- Surface Infrastructure Categories
- Structures
- Pressurized & Unpressurized
- Habitation
- Rigid & Inflatable
- Power
- Minimal integrated power (for keep alive of pre-deployed elements)
- Deployed surface power
- Thermal
- Minimal integrated thermal
- Deployed surface radiators
- Communication & Navigation
- Mars surface network
- Mars-Earth network
- Life Support
- Based on Wilfried’s assessment
- In-situ Resource Utilization
- Basic vs. extended capability
- Crew systems
- Medical
- Hygiene
- Maintenance & Repair
- Facilities, Spare Parts, Raw Materials
- Science & Exploration
- Facilities & Tools
- Extra Vehicular Activities
- EVA Suits & Spares
- Surface Mobility
- Unpressurized Crew Mobility
- Pressurized Crew Mobility
- Asset Mobility
- Consumables & Logistics
- Initial cache & resupply
- Structures
- Cargo Landers
- Individual units that are able to sustain initial period without interaction with other systems
- Common structure (5m by 5m rigid cylinder) (~1mt)
- Basic power, thermal, communications, avionics (~ 1mt)
- Each element can carry ~3mt of payload
- Approximately five cargo landers required
- Deployable power & thermal systems
- Central life support and ISRU
- Logistics & cargo lander
- Habitat lander(s)
- Mobility asset (pressurized and unpressurized rovers & asset mobility)
- Individual units that are able to sustain initial period without interaction with other systems
A "Small-Package Approach" to Mars Surface Infrastructure (2mt case)
- Sizing the Small Packages
- “Estimated landed payload mass extensibility of the MSL EDL architecture: ~2 t (max)”
- Mars Design Reference Architecture 5.0 Study – Executive Summary [B. Drake – Dec 4, 2008]
- We can scale the MSL aeroshell based on a constant ballistic coefficient
- ~30m^3 of volume available (~66 kg/m^3 cargo density)
- “Estimated landed payload mass extensibility of the MSL EDL architecture: ~2 t (max)”
Surface Infrastructure
- Habitation elements
- Habitable volume, crew accommodations, ECLSS, EVA systems, medical
- Hard-shells & inflatables
- Mobility elements
- Crew mobility & infrastructure deployment (autonomously?)
- Offloading infrastructure
- Crane or davit could be used with mobility element
- Logistics containers
- Pressurized & unpressurized logistics
- Power system
- Addressed independently of other infrastructure
- A combination of inflatable and hard-shell elements
- 3x cylindrical vertical hard-shells
- 2m diameter and 2.5 m height (~3.2 m^2)
- 1x EVA access and maintenance
- 1x ECLSS equipment / mission ops
- 1x crew accommodations (galley, WC)
- 3x inflatables (~35 m^2 each)
- 2x bedrooms (2 persons each)
- 1 x common space (wardroom, exercise, medical)
- Inflatables
- Antarctic Habitat Demonstrator
- 8 ft max head room
- Floor area: 384 sq ft (24 ft x 16 ft) [35.7 m^2]
- Packed System: 1000 lbs [455 kg]
- 2 packages (3 ft by 4 ft by 8 ft)
- Source: Spampinato, P. “Expandable Habitat Structures for Long Duration Lunar Missions”. 3rd Space Exploration Conference & Exhibit. Feb 2008. ILC Dover.
- Antarctic Habitat Demonstrator
- Hard-Shell Structures
- Hard-shell cylinders should be < 1 mt to allow delivery of subsystems and should have multiple connection hatches to allow outpost assembly
- Based on current estimates of 2.5m high by 2m diameter cylinder has a mass of ~1mt (with adapters included)
- Hard-shell cylinders should be < 1 mt to allow delivery of subsystems and should have multiple connection hatches to allow outpost assembly
Mobility/Offloading Elements
- Deliver two mobility chassis with integrated offloading capability (crane)
- Crew delivered in two pressurized cabs which double as pressurized rovers
- CMC (Crewed Mobility Chassis)
- NASA’s current estimate for the CMC is 969 kg dry vehicle mass (3 mt payload)
- Source: Culbert, C. “Lunar Surface Systems Project Overview.” USCC Programmatic Workshop on NASA Lunar Surface Systems Concepts. NASA. Feb 2009.
- LSMS (Lunar Surface Manipulator System)
- NASA’s current estimate for the LSMS is 190 kg (6 mt capability)
- Source: Culbert, C. “Lunar Surface Systems Project Overview.” USCC Programmatic Workshop on NASA Lunar Surface Systems Concepts. NASA. Feb 2009.
- Mobility elements used for both crew exploration and infrastructure deployment
- Crew cab for NASA’s SPR (Small Pressurized Rover) is ~3 mt
- CMC (Crewed Mobility Chassis)
- Each logistics flight will require a hard-shell container for pressurized supplies with unpressurized pallet and fluids storage
- 2 mt for entire system (including wrappings)
- Can we reuse the habitat hard-shell?
- Probably not because of unpressurized logistics mass
- Transported using mobility element and attached to outpost
Notional Deployment
- Opportunity One
- Flight 1
- 2x Mobility elements with cranes
- Flight 2
- ECLSS Cylinder
- Flight 3
- EVA Cylinder
- Flight 4
- Crew Accommodations Cylinder
- Flight 5
- Common Inflatable (plus fittings)
- Flight 6
- Bedroom 1 Cylinder (plus fittings)
- Flight 7
- Bedroom 2 Cylinder (plus fittings)
- Flights 8 – 11
- Power
- Flight 1
- Opportunity Two
- Flight 1-4
- Logistics
- Flight 5-7
- Crew 1
- Flight 8-10
- Crew 2
- Flight 1-4
- Opportunity Three+
- Flight 1-4
- Logistics
- Flight 5-10
- Infrastructure
- Flight 1-4
Notional Outpost
Summary/Notes/Future Work
- Summary
- Based on a 2 mt payload, a initial outpost appears feasible with ~10 flights per opportunity
- Notes
- It may be necessary to delay crews one opportunity to emplace safety stocks (crew launches on third opportunity)
- ECLSS/mission ops systems may require two cylinders
- DRM 3.0 ECLSS ~4.6 mt (including consumables)
- Future Work
- Develop point designs to ensure feasibility of each element
Surface Infrastructure for the 10 mt case
- Mass
- Aeroshell mass set as a fraction of the payload mass (first estimate: AMF = 0.4)
- Total mass set by launch vehicle capability (first estimate: Falcon 9 Heavy = 29,610)
- Based on the above estimates there is 21,150 kg for payload (surface cargo + descent stage)
- Shape & Volume
- Aeroshell shape is estimated to have be a conical frustum with a base diameter of 7.0 m and a height of 6.5 m with a 20° wall angle
- The aeroshell is assumed to be composed of two connected pieces
- A bottom section with a height of 2.5 m (based on descent engine height) which is jettisoned
- The useable volume of this section is a cylinder with a diameter of 5.18 m and a height of 2.5 m (52.7 m3)
- A top section with a height of 4.5 m and a base diameter of 5.18 m (usable volume = 47.5 m3)
- A bottom section with a height of 2.5 m (based on descent engine height) which is jettisoned
- The total usable volume for the aeroshell is 100.2 m3
Descent Stage
- Mass
- One N2O4-MMH engine based on 26.7 kN OME
- Isp = 316 sec
- Delta-V for terminal descent estimated to be 1200 m/s
- Propellant required = 6,789 kg
- Structural mass fraction for propulsion system = 0.2
- Note: structural mass fraction is inert mass over propellant mass
- Landing structure is estimated to be 10% of landed mass (approx 1,436 kg)
- These estimates allow for 11,567 kg of surface cargo to be delivered each flight
- One N2O4-MMH engine based on 26.7 kN OME
- Shape & Volume
- One N2O4-MMH engine based on 26.7 kN OME
- Engine envelope of 2.5 m height by 1.5 m diameter
- Two fuel tanks & two oxidizer tanks
- Cylindrical with semi-spherical end-caps (3.0 m3)
- Height: 2.5 m – Diameter: 1.4 m
- Packaged to fit in 5.18 m diameter by 2.5 m height cylinder in lower section of aeroshell
- Initial packaging leaves four “cargo bays” of approximately 4.0 m3 each
MinMars lander cargo capacity
- Top section of aeroshell
- Conical frustum
- Available volume: 47.5 m3
- Base diameter: 5.19 m
- Height: 4.5 m
- Top diameter: 1.90 m
- Conical frustum
- Bottom section of aeroshell
- 4 cargo bays
- Triangular prism
- Volume: 4.0 m3
- Base length : 1.79 m
- Height: 2.5 m
- 4 cargo bays
- The maximum cargo volume is 63.5 m3.
- The maximum cargo mass capacity is 11.57 mt.
- Baseline architecture has two lander types
- Unpressurized cargo delivery
- Pressurized habitation & logistics module
Unpressurized Cargo Lander
- Common descent stage with four cargo bays
- Large unpressurized cargo is placed on top of the descent stage and contained by aeroshell
- Inflatable habitation modules
- Surface power systems
- Pressurized rovers
- Large cargo will require a means of offloading
- Crane & surface mobility
- How do we remove the top section of the aeroshell?
Common Pressurized Module
- Concept: Use a common module for all habitation (hab, lab, workshop) and pressurized logistics delivery and add in necessary subsystem hardware to adapt each module to its needs
- This concept may allow reuse of logistics modules as “hotel rooms” and eliminate the need for early inflatable modules (low TRL)
- With large element surface mobility that is capable of transporting landers (over prepared ground) to allow connection between units would be beneficial
Initial habitat concept
- Two floor habitat integral with top section of the aeroshell
- Main floor is 2.5 m high with a floor area of 21 m2 (226 ft2)
- Top floor is 2.0 m high with a floor area of 8.9 m2 (96 ft2)
- Two floor are connected through a 1 m diameter tunnel in the middle of the floor
- Habitat is connected to two “airlocks” which replace two cargo bays in the descent stage
- Triangular prisms with a volume of 4m3
Initial Subsystems
- Structures: 2400 kg
- Based on surface area and area density from DRM 3.0 (21 kg/m2)
- Life support systems: 316 kg
- Based on two crew and HSMAD hardware for Wilfried’s architecture
- Comm-info management: 320 kg
- Taken from DRM 3.0
- Thermal: 184 kg
- Based on two crew and scaled from DRM 3.0
- Total mass of generic pressurized element = 3220 kg
- Cargo capacity remaining on lander = 8347 kg
Logistics flights
- Pressurized logistics: 4000 kg (2 crew)
- Estimated volume: 13-16 m3
- Note: Usable volume on top floor is 9.6 m3
- Unpressurized cargo: 1000 kg (spares, etc.)
- Volume available is 4 m3
- Furniture and interior furnishings: 2000 kg
- Estimate (Cal Tech MSM estimated 1000 kg)
- As logistics are used / moved (to other modules upper storage sections) habitat becomes available as living space
- Flights 3 & 4 (opportunity 2) can be used as logistics flights and provide two 2-person habitats
Crew flights
- Two concepts:
- Identical habitats with all required crew accommodations in each (for two crew)
- One habitat (galley, wardroom, hygiene) & one laboratory (medical, maintenance, etc)
- First concept has each aeroshell pushed separately to Mars using two TMI stages each
- Second concept has the crew join up and travel to Mars in two connected aeroshells
- Crew all lands in habitat
- In space power stage will be needed for transit to Mars
- Either one or two depending on concept
- Consumables for trip (4.5 kg/p/d for 210 days) total 3.78 mt and 12.5 – 15 m3
- Can be stored in upper level storage area and used consumables can be jettisoned before entry to Mars
- “Airlocks” can be modified for the trip to provide four private quarters with 4 m3 each.
- Based on HSMAD, crew accommodations system hardware require ~2.9 mt for two crew
- On Mars surface, top floor used for logistics storage, main floor for common area
- Private quarters are set up in logistics modules
- Is 21 m2 of floor space on the main floor enough for all common crew systems (galley, hygiene, operations, etc.)?
- At Martian surface, crew will remain in habitat for ~7 days to acclimatize.
- Then use unpressurized rovers (one per habitat in cargo bay) to transit to pre-positioned goods and work to set up base
- Note: How do we supply surface power to Habitats before 25kW pre-positioned systems are connected?
Other thoughts
- Inflatable modules may not be required on first flights
- Replace with pressurized mobility?
- Currently have 4 unpressurized rovers manifested
- One on each cargo flight
- One on each crewed flight
- With four crew and a consumables requirement of 2 mt /opportunity/person:
- Each of the following opportunities will require both flights to be logistics modules
- Logistics modules could be adapted to be workshops, laboratories, etc. using the 2 mt set aside for furniture
Notional Flight Manifest
- Opportunity 1 (identical flights)
- 1 pressurized rover
- 1 unpressurized rover
- Surface power systems
- Offloading hardware and large element mobility
- Opportunity 2 (identical flights)
- Pressurized module
- Furniture to adapt to living quarters for two crew
- Pressurized logistics
- Unpressurized logistics
- Opportunity 3 (crew)
- One habitat (common area for four crew) flight
- One laboratory / medical / exercise flight
- 2 unpressurized rovers
- Opportunity 4+ (two identical flights)
- Pressurized module
- Pressurized logistics
- Unpressurized logistics
- How are these adapted?