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Paul Wooster

Contact Info

About Me

My goal is to expand humanity into space. This goal has been a driving force behind many of my endeavors, and is one of the reasons I founded DevelopSpace. I believe that we can help catalyze the technical developments necessary to make the outwards expansion of our species happen. I am currently an engineer at SpaceX in Los Angeles, California, where I primarily work on the Dragon spacecraft to send cargo and humans into space. Prior to that I was a Research Scientist in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, where I was involved in a number of things including developing system architectures for human Moon and Mars exploration in support of NASA's Vision for Space Exploration and managing the Mars Gravity Biosatellite, a mission to study the effects of Mars-level gravity on mammals (which involved sending a group of mice into space). During my time at MIT, I also managed to pick-up Bachelors and Masters degrees in Aerospace Engineering.

Papers / Reports

  • Hofstetter WK, Wooster PD, Crawley EF (2009) Analysis of Human Lunar Outpost Strategies and Architectures, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 2009, 0022-4650 vol.46 no.2 (419-429).
  • Wagner EB, Wooster PD, Keesee JE, Kubert H, Schaffer A (2004) Mars Gravity Biosatellite: International Student Training and Public Outreach. Presented at the SAE International Conference on Environmental Systems, Colorado Springs, CO. July 19-22, 2004. Published in proceedings. Republished in SAE 2004 Transactions Journal of Aerospace. 937-942.
  • Brown EL, Carr CE, Wooster PD (2003) The Mars Gravity Biosatellite: A New Platform for Partial Gravity Research. Presented at the International Society for Gravitational Physiology, Santa Monica, 4-9 May 2003. Proceedings published in Journal of Gravitational Physiology.
  • Brown EL, Wooster PD, Coffee TM, Holzinger MJ, Hoogland JD (2003) The Mars Gravity Biosatellite: A University-Led Space Program for Partial Gravity Research. Presented at the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics Midatlantic Region Student Conference, College Park, MD, 11-12 April 2003.